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Saturday, November 9, 2019

Solutiosn<>Health Benefits Of Soursop Oil


Solutions<>Health Benefits Of Soursop Oil

Maybe we are all familiar with this one, which is soursop fruit
This soursop fruit is very useful and also has many benefits with protein content, Magnesium potassium and folic acid Soursop offers many health benefits While it can be used as a solution for many diseases, it also promotes the overall health of individuals.
Able to, help kill cancer

Orang Orang, Detoks, Diet, Minum, Energi

If we talk about the salient effects of soursop then the fruit has the ability to kill cancer cells. Although this effect is observed in fruit, the dau actually curbs the growth of harmful cells. This serves as an alternative chemotherapy drug and the extract is also not harmful to healthy cells. .
Also able to improve vision

Because of its presence, there are many antioxidants. Sirsak helps maintain good health with regular consumption of smoothies or juices can prolong the level of impact due to cataracts or macular degeneation. Individuals no longer depend on anything to function optimally.
Relief from inflammation
Because of its high levels of antioxidants, soursop can help relieve inflammation of the joints. In fact, South and Central America also use the plant to treat problems due to snakebite. However, it is not considered an antidote.
This is also beneficial for diabetics.

Sourop is actually very helpful in managing diabetes effectively. According to several studies conducted in Nigeria. Soursop can inhibit enzymes and therefore can break down carbohydrates into glucose, besides reducing the liver from damage and helping to increase production of insulin-producing cells.

Also good for the stomach Because soursop reduces the effects of oxidation, it also helps reduce the development of peptic ulcers, and also protects the stomach from being infected by pylori bacteria. That person does not need to worry about diseases such as irritable bowel disease.
Can also improve intestinal parasites.
Can also reduce stress
When we go through a stressful day, then high cortisol levels can have a negative impact on health apart from insomnia, hormones can increase anxiety and affect sexuality. But if we enjoy soursop smoothies, then it can help improve sleep quality
In the following, I will summarize some of them.
Able to help treat fever
Also to help improve breathing
Can promote liver health
Can increase body immunity
Able to improve skin health
Great for the scalp'

Buah, Sirsak, Pohon, Tanaman, Kedokteran

Able to regulate blood pressure.

Soursop recipes that can always be [at for us to try.
Because the fruit porridge is so delicious and sweet we can always think of soursop tea, smoothies, juice, and ice cream let's see how this recipe can be prepared. When we think of preparing the soursop, this is what we need.
1. liquid water
15 Soursop leaves (fresh or dried)
After a spoon of lemon juice
Two mint leaves
Preparation time
If we are going to boil it with tea with low-intensity fire it might take around 30 minutes
The first step we need to boil a liter of water and then put the leaves in a vessel but before we do anything we have to cut the leaves together with the stems into small pieces.
The step when we burn our gas must continue to boil water until it is reduced to half of quality
Friend Thank you for visiting

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Solutions-<>Benefits Of Guava And Also Natural With Leaves

Solutions-<>Benefits Of Guava And Also Natural With Leaves

 Jambu Biji, Buah, Pertumbuhan, Makanan
Common people know what guava fruit does for health but not all of them are aware of the benefits of guava leaves. In fact, even guava leaves have some medicinal properties and health benefits, but not all of them are aware of the benefits of guava leaves. In fact, even guava leaves. has several medicinal properties and health benefits.
Guava leaves are very important for our health. Fresh guava leaves can be brewed and to make magical tea. These leaves are packed with anti-oxidants such as vitamins. Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial compounds. They also have tannins and flavonoids, which are very effective in treating some guava leaves. seeds also contain healthy fiber. potassium and lycopene.
1 Can to lose weight
If losing weight is something we want to achieve. Then guava leaves can help us to achieve them. Guava leaves work by blocking complex starches that can turn into sugar so that suppressing our appetite can make our weight loss faster by consuming fewer calories ie. drink fresh guava leaf tea for more effective results.

2. Can for sperm production.

1. Can get guava leaves and carrots in a good amount.

2. Wash and slice carrots.

3. Put the base carrot on our pot and add the guava leaves on top of the carrot.

4. Add water both morning and evening

5. Try not to have intercourse during the period to allow an appropriate increase in drinking concoctions for a week and rest for the next week before continuing treatment. 

2. Can to balance female hormones 

Mixing guava leaves and ginger can improve hormonal imbalance in women 

1. Dry and fresh guava leaves. Add a teaspoon of ginger powder or grated fresh ginger

2 Stir well and simmer for about 2 minutes and take a sip of the mixture twice a day.

3. Good for treating diabetics

The fresh guava leaves are very effective in decreasing blood sugar levels by reducing the activity of the enzyme alpha_glucosidase. According to several studies conducted in Japan. It can also prevent the absorption of maltose and also sucrose by the body thereby reducing blood sugar levels increasing our insulin products

4. Can reduce cholesterol

Guava leaves are good for the liver. Research has proven that drinking guava leaves for 3 months decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing LDL cholesterol and triglycerides without having a bad effect on our HDL.

5. Treating diarrhea 

 Buah, Jambu Biji, Makanan

and dysentery of seed leaves is very effective for treating at the center of boiled guava tea and in 1_2 cups of water and add 2 tablespoons of rice flour to make concoction drink this tea twice a day until symptoms subside for boiled dysentery of seed leaves for 20 minutes strain the water and drink enough tea until we feel relieved.

6. Can be for the treatment of bronchitis

7. For prostate cancer

8. For wound care and infection

9. To treat skin black spots

Friend, thank you for reading, hope it will be useful

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Solutions<>How to use papaya seeds for beauty

Solutions<> How to use papaya seeds for beauty

Papaya is a nutritious fruit all related to papaya has several or other health benefits. This papaya has been used for a long time in the skin care regime even many anti-aging products have papaya as an active ingredient in it.
Pepaya, Pepaya Merah, Buah, Matang, Biji, Orange, Juicy
Papaya is blessed with antioxidants which are known to slow down skin aging. We have discussed several DIY methods for using papaya pulp for beauty in this post. We are telling you if there is a way to use papaya seeds for our beauty, so next time we eat papaya. Don't remove seeds. rubbish.

You can also use papaya seeds to make DIY face masks for radiant and smooth skin

To prepare the mask we only need.

-1_2 tablespoons of papaya seeds

-1 teaspoon ripe papaya

-% 1sdt extra virgin coconut oil

-1 teaspoon of raw honey

-2 OPTIONAL vitamin C capsules
This recipe really organic ingredients in the packaging can cause tingling sensations on your skin it's just that we often do Alpha Hydroxy Acicls doing its job

Gather all the ingredients mentioned above except coconut oil and add it to the blender. To make a paste like coarse sand add coconut water oil to the face and neck as well as leave your chest for at least 15 minutes this can cause a burning sensation. Rinse the wrap with warm water and dry using a washcloth to apply a layer of coconut oil on our face.

Benefits of Wjah Masks with Papaya Seeds. Papaya seeds have many benefits for skin care. Papaya is rich in papain which is known for exfoliating the skin to break down the top layer of dead skin cells. It also reduces the appearance of fine lines and the size of the pores of coconut oil in the mask will moisturize your skin .

Papaya is also rich in Alpa Hydroxy Acids which is an excellent anti-oxidant that thickens and smooths the skin. Low sodium in papaya is responsible for its moisturizing properties. It moisturizes your skin. It can maintain the elasticity of collegial fibers and the elastin mask may burn a little, but don't worry. normal. The enzymes in papaya seeds cause a burning sensation. If the combustion cannot be penetrated, then take off the mask immediately. thank you for the visit.

Solutions<>Benefits of papaya for beauty

Solutions<>Benefits of papaya for beauty

Papaya for skin The beauty benefits of extraordinary fruit are not to be missed
Skin care tips. Papaya is a remarkable full of many health benefits. This fruit is also full of benefits for beauty

Pepaya, Adil, Sayur-Sayuran, Sayuran
The following benefits of papaya for the skin that we must know
 Add papaya to our diet and skin care routines for better skin health.
The food we eat affects skin health in a variety of ways. The right skin care routine with the consumption of healthy foods can help us achieve glowing skin. There are many foods that are beneficial to our skin and give our skin a perfect appearance. Fruits that contain important nutrients and various benefits good for the health of our skin papaya is another fruit that is loaded with beauty benefits we can add to our skin care routine. You might notice that there are several skin care products on the market with extracts because they are very beneficial for our skin. Papaya has powerful antioxidants. It also has vitamin C which is also beneficial for papaya skin. It contains an enzyme called papain which is beneficial for overall health and also skin.
Experts have explained that papaya is known for its high nutritional and fiber content, which is rich in vitamins such as provitamin A and C as well as Phyto.and vitamin k. In addition to vitamins it also contains other substances such as phosphorus.
Magnesium and beta carotene papaya are also rich in chemicals / enzymes as well as chymopapain papain. This enzyme is present both with raw papaya and also ripe. With higher levels in the variety and formation of blisters.
Pepaya, Buah, Musim Panas, Berair
Papaya skin care tips can help us fight signs of aging
The papain enzyme promotes skin healing and also promotes the formation of kolegen when applied to kolegen skin is the main component of the skin that makes our skin and increases the elasticity of the strong collegial skin helps reduce wrinkles and increases hydration of free radical formation and because it acts as an anti-aging agent it also helps skin gives a natural luster and a better texture. Friend, thank you, Hopefully This Is Helpful. Don't Forget to follow along.

Solutiosn<>Health Benefits Of Soursop Oil

  Solutions<>Health Benefits Of Soursop Oil Maybe we are all familiar with this one, which is soursop fruit This soursop frui...