/> Media Solutions: Solutions<>How to use papaya seeds for beauty

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Solutions<>How to use papaya seeds for beauty

Solutions<> How to use papaya seeds for beauty

Papaya is a nutritious fruit all related to papaya has several or other health benefits. This papaya has been used for a long time in the skin care regime even many anti-aging products have papaya as an active ingredient in it.
Pepaya, Pepaya Merah, Buah, Matang, Biji, Orange, Juicy
Papaya is blessed with antioxidants which are known to slow down skin aging. We have discussed several DIY methods for using papaya pulp for beauty in this post. We are telling you if there is a way to use papaya seeds for our beauty, so next time we eat papaya. Don't remove seeds. rubbish.

You can also use papaya seeds to make DIY face masks for radiant and smooth skin

To prepare the mask we only need.

-1_2 tablespoons of papaya seeds

-1 teaspoon ripe papaya

-% 1sdt extra virgin coconut oil

-1 teaspoon of raw honey

-2 OPTIONAL vitamin C capsules
This recipe really organic ingredients in the packaging can cause tingling sensations on your skin it's just that we often do Alpha Hydroxy Acicls doing its job

Gather all the ingredients mentioned above except coconut oil and add it to the blender. To make a paste like coarse sand add coconut water oil to the face and neck as well as leave your chest for at least 15 minutes this can cause a burning sensation. Rinse the wrap with warm water and dry using a washcloth to apply a layer of coconut oil on our face.

Benefits of Wjah Masks with Papaya Seeds. Papaya seeds have many benefits for skin care. Papaya is rich in papain which is known for exfoliating the skin to break down the top layer of dead skin cells. It also reduces the appearance of fine lines and the size of the pores of coconut oil in the mask will moisturize your skin .

Papaya is also rich in Alpa Hydroxy Acids which is an excellent anti-oxidant that thickens and smooths the skin. Low sodium in papaya is responsible for its moisturizing properties. It moisturizes your skin. It can maintain the elasticity of collegial fibers and the elastin mask may burn a little, but don't worry. normal. The enzymes in papaya seeds cause a burning sensation. If the combustion cannot be penetrated, then take off the mask immediately. thank you for the visit.

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