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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Is Exercise Useful in Treating Depression?

Is Exercise Useful in Treating Depression?

The publication of a new study at BMJ on June 6 triggered many headlines showing that "exercise does not help depression". However, reducing the specific and detailed findings of this study to a media-friendly voice poses a risk of misleading people, because the researchers did not set out to test the effects of exercise on the depression.
 Pirang, Wanita, Murung, Potret, Menarik

. This article explains what researchers do and what they find, while showing that some of the older research in this area is experiencing increased scrutiny, and so there may be a need for a new wave of rigorous and specific studies. Meanwhile, there are many experts who support the idea that exercise can help patients with depression, especially if they have or are at high risk of developing other conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes, which are often the cause.
What do researchers or scientists do ...?
The researchers wanted to find out whether adding specific physical activity interventions received by patients with depression through their general practitioner. In the UK, it would significantly reduce their depressive symptoms.

The intervention, called TREAD is based on theory, and provides trained facilitators who can provide "support and encouragement that are individually designed to engage in physical activity", the researchers wrote.

Such studies help health care providers to make decisions about what services are offered through primary services.

The researchers want to test TREAD because although there is evidence to suggest that exercise is beneficial for depressed people, most of it comes from a small, inaccurate study examining programs that might not be practically carried out by the National Health Service.

TREAD is designed to "improve long-term adherence to physical activity", and the main features encourage patients to choose their own activities and depend on their individual needs and what they can do in their own environment. Patients receive up to three face-to-face meetings with facilitators who are trained in motivational interview techniques, and they themselves can also have up to 10 telephone calls.

In the BMJ study the intervention lasts for 6 to 8 months with most of the facilitator's involvement being in the first four.

Participants were 361 adult patients aged 18-69 who were recently diagnosed with depression in several different health centers in the UK. They themselves were randomly assigned to one of two groups: one group received the usual care, and the other group received the usual care plus TREAD.

The trial was attended by participants for 12 months with steps taken at 4 months, 8 months and 12 months. For depressive symptoms, the key measure is Beck's depression inventory, and participants can also be asked about their use

The training data comes from the diary that the participants completed about their own physical activity. A number of participants can also wear an accelerometer, and this data confirms that the diary is quite reliable and accurate.

Thus, the distinguishing feature of this study is that all patients are free to do the prescribed exercise but only a few are encouraged to do so.

Another distinguishing feature is that this study does not compare the effectiveness of exercise encouragement with other forms of treatment such as counseling and other treatments, but in addition to this.

Current government guidelines in the UK recommend that adults should do 150 minutes of moderate or strong physical activity per week, so the researchers explain in detail that:

"The aspiration is for the participants [in the TREAD group] to engage in moderate or excited activities for 150 minutes a week in a fight of at least 10 minutes, but if it seems unrealistic then the facilitator encourages any increase in physical activity, whatever happens. in intensity. "

What did they find?
The results showed that patients in the TREAD intervention group fared no better than those who only received usual care.

For example, there was no evidence that participants offered physical activity interventions that reported improved mood at a four-month follow-up point compared to those in their own group..

Dry Skin On The Face And How To Overcome It

Dry Skin On The Face And How To Overcome It

Some people are more prone than others to dry the skin on their face. Gentle care and home care can relieve dry skin and prevent it from returning.
People may experience dry skin on their face as a result of many factors, including changes in temperature or humidity, using soap with harsh chemicals, and skin conditions, as in most cases, in people can get rid of dry skin using home remedies and over-treatment the-counter (OTC).
In this article, together we look at why some people experience dry skin on their faces and discuss home care and treatment.
What causes this?
 Wanita, Potret, Wajah, Kulit, Make Up
The skin naturally produces a lot of oil called sebum. When the skin produces too much oil, this can cause zits to appear. However, having sebum on the skin is important to keep our body hydrated and protect cells from infections.
Dry skin can itch, may look scaly and bumpy or have red spots on the skin. Dehydrated skin lacks water and looks dull or rough on the skin.
Some of the potential causes of dry or dehydrated skin on the face are as follows.
cold weather
dry air
Skin pH is not balanced
excessive skin washing
skin conditions, such as atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis
exposed to harsh chemicals in soap or other products
spend too much time in direct sunlight
People can treat dry skin using several different methods including. The best treatment choice will depend on the cause of dry skin on a person and its severity. Treatment also varies between different types of skin, dry, which can be normal, oily, or a combination.
 Gadis, Potret, Kecantikan, Model, Mata

1. Medicine

2. Moisturize every day

3. Use an air moisturizer

4. Do better bathing habits

5. Use a soft and clean cleanser

6. Exfoliate to eliminate excess dry skin


Environmental and lifestyle factors can contribute to the development of dry skin on his face. People can manage and prevent dry skin on their body parts by using gentle care and home care.

If dry skin does not improve or worsen, a person can visit a doctor. People with dry skin who do not respond to home remedies may benefit from using a cream or ointment with the power of a particular prescription.

Thank you for the visit, don't forget to read the other articles, okay?

The Key to Turning Your Daily Journey into a Legal Exercise

The Key to Turning Your Daily Journey into a Legal Exercise

There are many paths in life: the catwalk, the moonwalk, the road of shame ... But for most of us all, walking is mostly just a great way to get around. This is also one of the easiest and simplest forms of exercise, because it does not require equipment (or real skills).

That said walking from the bedroom to the living room will not count for your cardio purposes. So when does walking really become a sport?
 Jogging, Gerakan, Kebugaran, Cocok

The actual body movements that occur when you walk like a pendulum - your body swings, step by step, when you push yourself on stiff legs that act like pole vaults. This involves putting one foot in front of the other and shifting your weight from side to side with each step to rotate above the fulcrum of your feet both right and left.

Walking definitely fits the cardio category, but only if you can walk with speed and intensity that challenges your cardiovascular system, which leads to increased demands on your muscles and heart.
 Pelari, Laki Laki, Berjalan, Jogging

No two paths are the same, so the tipping point may be different for everyone. For starters, many variables can change the effect of walking on your body. These variables include distance, speed, and intensity. How fast you walk, how long or how far you walk, and at what intensity all will affect your body's response to the activity.

Before you get too caught up in the details, know that walking in all forms and steps is good for you. According to renowned experts "All exercises are important. Exercise also helps everything, from preventing heart disease to depression. "

Glad to hear. But if you are looking for real exercise, when will walking be cardio?
Menjalankan, Kebugaran, Latihan

Once again, that point is different for each person, based on variables such as body weight, activity, and medical history. What remains consistent is that you have to reach "moderate" speed to increase your heart rate and start seeing changes in your body's cardiovascular demand.
According to experts, moderate activity feels like increasing your heart rate and breathing rate. This can be as simple as a brisk walk. "Health officials recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity on most days of the week for a total of two hours and 30 minutes per week," he said.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

training when the last thing you want to do is exercise

Mini training when the last thing you want to do is exercise. #

A few days, especially after winter that freezes my face and winter will come. The last thing I want to do is put on my sports clothes, add three layers of sweaters and sports pants and shake my weight. My coat just has to take it all out to sweat somewhere. So you know what I'm doing?
 Wanita, Orang, Jogging, Anjing, Latihan
Nothing I didn't do anything
Then one day not going to the gym changed to a few days not going and now I'm not sure how to motivate myself to go back to fitness I always talk to my clients about all or nothing mental costs and instead I encourage the mindset always something says certified nutrition and lifestyle coach paloma pillars.
There is always something
Doing something is better than nothing. So what if your motivation is at the lowest point of all time? start small.
You can always play a video on a few exercises.
Sometimes we want to exercise but don't want to think you are exercising. Said the experts. Because I understand my pomegranate.
Experts have said the key to maximizing exercise at home is to choose exercises that involve larger muscle groups and focus on thinking ahead. Long Squat, Pus_up and Board. Yes classic but there are ways to make that fun.
Personal experts say that's also the key Exercise doesn't have to be so serious if you make it fun for yourself it doesn't have to be like work.
With that in mind, I made seven, um, this is unconventional exercise when you don't want to exercise.
Buttock Buttock Exercises.
 Dewasa, Tubuh, Santai, Close Up, Latihan
Every time the girl goes to confession I try it. I know there are many confessions but I don't know there are many, I recruit my boyfriend to do this with me everyone chooses a pose or set to do a sequence, a board, and a pohoin pose for work that balance makes the show much more fun and ridiculous break commercial boards.
Each ad appears between 30 and 45 seconds to hold the board.
If you watch TV, use it to your advantage, it has set your time, Kta experts, far do planks above the crunch. Because you use your whole core.
Repeat until the last song.

 Olahraga, Meregang, Kebugaran, Gadis
You can also change the intensity, change squart to jump squart, don't jump jump or push pus_up from the seat, say rotner, for short, sweet and the points.
He suggested doing this circuit three times throughout the day to get the most out of it.
Pocket try pus_up is not a joke! I make cardi b money and feel like I really work and everything ends quickly break beyonce dance
Dance around the freestyle and expert on how many calories
Learn choreography and really sweat
Tip. Do this in front of the mirror
 Musim Dingin, Salju, Dingin, Natal
I tried it. I couldn't help but be in a better mood stronger after learning the Coachyon Beyonce break dance move which is also fun to do with friends. I might not perfect the movement. But I'm sweaty
Insta Board
Board for 30 seconds before you do it I try it AA and I'll have six packages soon! also it makes me think twice about whether I really need to browse my feed all the time so win wins all around
Sequat bathroom
I tried it. I drank a lot of water so it was a lot of squats

 Wanita, Berjalan, Menjalankan, Kebugaran
Putting these little fitness goals into the weekend I helped build my confidence that I hadn't really fallen off the fitness train then I was ready to try a longer circuit.
Friends, hopefully short articles. Useful. Accept Thank you

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